Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obama's newest ad

The following ad titiled "Economy," continue Obama's recent attack ad campaign on Senator McCain. I would just like to point out 2 interesting things about this ad:
1) It is not being aired nationally, most notably during the most popular time slots during the olympics, where Obamas positive ads are being shown (The two solutions I can think of are: a) Obama is scared of this getting too widespread, or b) he's smart enough to know that ads like this spread around the internet like wildfire and therefor doesn't have to waste the money)
2) Out of the 2 clips used to show that McCain doesn't think we are in/going into a recession one is from 2004 (Note to Mr. Obama- a lot can change in 4 years, just look at President Bush's ratings).

PS I also love how the people who are interviewed are from Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. I'm not saying that throughout the nation people don't share these views, but it is interesting to note the clearly calculated choice of people who are interviewed and shown in this ad.

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