Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What's Iraq got to with it?

This ad is not only false (see but for me it is distasteful in its use of an Iraqi veteran and images from Iraq.
Although I can see how a ban on handguns would be taking away some of the freedoms that our soldiers are fighting for, but this is assuming (first and foremost that this is indeed Mr. Obama's plan, which its not) that the freedoms which it protects namely "LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" which can't be pursued if you are killed by the owner of a gun.
Although I don't want to get political about the right to own guns and all the issues that come with it, this ad highlights, yet again, the manipulation used in political advertising and the straight up lying that sometimes comes with it.

I really do hope that the use of our brave men and women who are fighting overseas in Iraq in political ads stops soon (although I know it won't) especially in ads that have little to nothing to do with the actual war that we're fighting.

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