Thursday, October 16, 2008

Negative Campaigning

Negative Campaigning came to the forefront in last night's debate:

I want to point out a few things we have already discussed and few observations that I have about this specific part of the debate:

1) Neither of them really answered the question (which isn't a surprise, but I'm pointing it out anyway)

2) We know that negative campaigning works to some extent when it is not taken to too much of an extreme.

3) I loved McCain's attempt to defend the people who comes to his rallies. This is another point that isn't much of a surprise, but I think that it is still important that he stood behind his supporters. My only concern about the answer he gave is that it may turn away those who are undecided (and we discussed in class that at this point those are the people who the candidates need to be focusing on because most Americans have decided who they are going to vote for and very few of the already decided Americans will change at all at this point.)

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